Harrold-Jones Services is qualified to ensure you meet all fire evacuation requirements.
In the event of a fire, it is a legal requirement under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to ensure the safe evacuation of all relevant persons who may be on your premises or in an area under your control. ‘Relevant persons’ can include staff, contractors, disabled persons and members of the public.
Other Fire Protection
Emergency evacuation plans
A fire emergency evacuation plan is a legal requirement and normally takes the form of a written document, which includes the actions to be taken by all staff and nominated persons in the event of a fire and arrangements for calling the fire brigade.
For small premises this could take the form of a simple fire action sign posted in the locations were staff and relevant persons can read it and become familiar with its contents.
High risk or large premises will need a more detailed emergency evacuation plan which takes account of the findings in the fire risk assessment e.g. staff at significant risk and their location. In addition, notices giving clear and concise instructions of the routine to be followed in case of fire should be prominently displayed.
Harrold-Jones Services has extensive experience in writing emergency evacuation plans for all types of premises in a variety of sectors.
Fire evacuation drills and reports
Fire Evacuation Drills should be conducted to simulate fire conditions and to test fire procedures. All staff should be conversant with the premises evacuation procedures and take part in fire evacuation drills at least once and preferably twice per year.
Harrold-Jones Services can offer a service, which will conduct the whole process for you with minimum disruption, and will be observed and timed by a member of our compliance team. We will then be able to give you advice on how to improve the evacuation procedure and will complete a postevacuation report highlighting any actions deemed necessary or improvements that maybe required. This document fulfils your responsibility of recording, monitoring and improving the emergency plan required under the current fire legislation.
Evacuation chairs and user training
The evacuation chair is a cost-effective method of ensuring the safe evacuation of non-ambulant persons from the upper or lower levels of buildings in the event of an emergency, or when lifts cannot be used due to maintenance or breakdown.
Evacuation chairs can be used on virtually all types of staircases where access is provided to upper and lower levels to safely evacuate non-ambulant persons.
Harrold-Jones Services supply evacuation chairs and run training courses on their use in an emergency situation.
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